Từ vựng theo chủ đề War and history (Phần 1)



  • Oppression /əˈpreʃn/ (n): sự đàn áp (cruel and unfair treatment of people, especially by not giving them the same freedom, rights, etc. as other people).

Ex: They have freed themselves from oppression.

  • Citadel /ˈsɪtədəl/ (n): thành trì (a castle on high ground in or near a city where people could go when the city was being attacked).

Ex: After the Mongol invasion of 1241, a citadel was built on the hills opposite the city.

  • Protectorate /prəˈtektərət/ (n): thuộc địa (a country that is controlled and protected by a more powerful country).

Ex: Revoil, had (1878-1881) made three journeys in the north-east corner of the protectorate, especially in the Darror valley.

  • Coup /kuː/ (n): cuộc đảo chính (a sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent).

Ex: He was sentenced to death for his part in the attempted coup.

  • Diplomacy /dɪˈpləʊməsi/ (n): chính sách ngoại giao (the activity of managing relations between different countries; the skill in doing this).

Ex: Diplomacy is better than war.

  • Garrison /ˈɡærɪsn/ (n): đồn lính (a group of soldiers living in a town or fort to defend it; the buildings these soldiers live in).

Ex: The regiment was assigned to garrison duty in the north of the country.

  • Guerrilla /ɡəˈrɪlə/ (n): quân du kích (a member of an unofficial military group that is trying to change the government by making sudden, unexpected attacks on the official army forces)

Ex: A small band of guerrillas has blown up a train in the mountains.

  • Liberation (n): sự giải phóng (the act or process of freeing a country or a person from the control of somebody else).

Ex: Leaving school was such a liberation for me.

  • Colonization /ˌkɑːlənəˈzeɪʃn/ (n): sự đô hộ (the act of taking control of an area or a country that is not your own, especially using force, and sending people from your own country to live there).

Ex: European colonization of the Americas, with its cycle of war, disease and slavery, decimated the indigenous peoples.

  • Patriots /ˈpeɪtriət/ (n): người yêu nước (a person who loves their country and who is ready to defend it against an enemy)

Ex: I wouldn’t say I’m a great patriot, but I would never betray my country.

  • Dynasty /ˈdɪnəsti/ (n): triều đại (a series of leaders of a country who all belong to the same family).

Ex: The Mogul dynasty ruled over India for centuries.


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Từ vựng theo chủ đề War and History (Phần 2)

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