Mỗi tuần một topic IELTS Speaking: Sách và Việc đọc

Trong các chủ đề thường xuất hiện ở phần thi IELTS Speaking, chủ đề Sách - Books là một trong những chủ đề “tưởng không khó mà khó không tưởng”. Thế nên, với mong muốn hết mình hỗ trợ cho các bạn trong quá trình ôn luyện IELTS Speaking của mình, Phuong Nam Education xin gợi ý cho bạn một số câu hỏi về chủ đề sách mà các thí sinh thường gặp trong bài viết dưới đây.

Bài thi mẫu IELTS Speaking - Chủ đề: Sách

"Chính từ sách mà những người khôn ngoan tìm được sự an ủi khỏi những rắc rối của cuộc đời.” - Victor Hugo

  • Part I:
  1. Do you often read books or magazines?
  2. What is your favourite kind of book to read?
  3. What books did you read as a child?
  4. Do you think it is important to encourage children to read?
  • Part II:

Describe a book you have recently read.

You should say:

  • What kind of book it is
  • What it is about
  • What sort of people would enjoy it
  • And explain why you liked it.
  • Part III:
  1. What kinds of books do children in your country like to read?
  2. Do you think children can learn a lot from books?
  3. Do you think fairy tales are useful books for children?
  4. Why do some adults read books written for children?

Câu trả lời gợi ý cho bài thi mẫu IELTS Speaking - Chủ đề: Sách

“Sách là dành cho người muốn được đến một thế giới khác” - Mark Twain

  • Part I:
  1. Do you often read books or magazines? I recently started reading books usually, mostly a kind of book called light novel originated from Japan. I rarely read magazines though, I often read manga instead.
  2. What is your favourite kind of book to read? - I may have answered this question in the last question. I really enjoy light novels, a kind of book from Japan which focuses on readers from 16 to 35 years old.
  3. What books did you read as a child? - I mostly read comic books when I was a child, but just some popular titles like Doraemon and Conan,... at that time, I preferred to watch TV rather than reading books.
  4. Do you think it is important to encourage children to read? - Yes, I do, especially reading books that have few pictures since I believe that by reading books of that type, children engage with the language more. Therefore, they will be able to develop their language skills better along with gaining general knowledge from an early age, which will benefit once they start going to school.
  • Part II:

I’m going to talk about a book from a Japanese author named Kohigashi Nora. It’s a light novel titled, as translated into English, “The story of a reckless and promising girl who challenges me as a reincarnator”. Although the reincarnate detail makes it seem like a fantasy novel, it is the only detail related to fantasy. The novel mainly focuses on the school life, drama, slice of life and romance genre. Anya is a genius girl. Ever since she started going to school, she has proven herself to be a prodigy, excellently standing number 1 both at primary school and cram school,... until she met Sieg. Sieg used to be an ordinary 28 years old man, then he got a deadly incurable disease and passed away. The next time he opens his eyes, he soon realises he has reincarnated with all his memories from his past life. This is the story under the point of view of Sieg, who has the advantage of reliving his life, a genius girl Anya who cannot accept anyone would achieve a higher score than her so she keeps challenging Sieg to see who will get a better score in their tests and their journey of youth as closed friends as well as biggest rivalry. I first read the book online and it is so good that I bought it immediately when it was published in Việt Nam by publisher Nhã Nam. Good story-telling and character development along with a great and meaningful plot are the reasons why I really like it. I believe anyone who wants to read a book with those features or just reads to relax will enjoy this book a lot.

  • Part III:
  1. What kinds of books do children in your country like to read?

Children in my country really enjoy reading comic books, mostly manga. Crayon Shin-chan, Detective Conan, Naruto, Dragon balls and One piece are the most popular manga among the young readers. There are also some Vietnamese comics that children like such as Thần đồng đất Việt - Vietnamese Prodigy and Trạng Quỳnh - Quỳnh the principal graduate.

  1. Do you think children can learn a lot from books?

I do believe that children learn a lot from books. From general knowledge about the world around them to specific topics such as geography or space. Maybe they cannot understand all of it at their age and it’s fine. Knowing it beforehand then understanding it later when studying is the basic learning process. Moreover, books also help children develop their language skills, concentration ability and improve children’s creativity.

  1. Do you think fairy tales are useful books for children?

Yes, I do. Beside its effectiveness in encouraging children's imagination and creativity, it also plays an important role in teaching children about life. fairy tales usually have moral lessons. Children who read fairy tales will learn about the consequences of their actions, conflicts, relationships, and ways to deal with them, then their critical thinking skills will develop as well.

  1. Why do some adults read books written for children?

Children's books are usually written in which the characters deal with situations that can be relatable to upsetting or worrying problems in real life. The ending of those stories if are not a happy ending, it would have a hopeful ending. This feeling of hope probably is the reason for adults to read children. Adults are tired of dealing with the troubles from their life, they need to relieve the stress and reading books written for children can be a great choice. Reading children’s books reassures readers that people generally are trying to be kind in their own way and therefore, release people’s stress and give back the hope of a better change in people, like reminding that adults used to be taught that people should be kind to each other when they were young.

“Sách của một kẻ hành khất còn giá trị hơn là dòng máu của kẻ quý tộc.” - William Shakespeare

Trên đây là đề mẫu kèm câu trả lời gợi ý cho chủ đề Speaking IELTS về Sách mà các thí sinh thường gặp. Phuong Nam Education hy vọng bài viết này có ích và xin chúc các bạn có một quá trình luyện nói hiệu quả và đạt thành tích cao trong kì thi.


Tags: Chủ đề sách, IELTS Speaking, Chủ đề Speaking IELTS, Ôn luyện IELTS Speaking, Luyện nói, luyện thi IELTS, thi nói IELTS, chủ đề luyện nói IELTS.


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