Bài tập Listening Part 3 - Multiple choice Question



Questions 21 and 22

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO points does Adam make about his experiment on artificial sweeteners?

  The results were what he had predicted.

  The experiment was simple to set up

  A large sample of people was tested.

  The subjects were unaware of what they were drinking.

E   The test was repeated several times for each person.

Questions 23 and 24

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO problems did Rosie have when measuring the fat content of nuts?

A   She used the wrong sort of nuts.

  She used an unsuitable chemical.

  She did not grind the nuts finely enough.

D   The information on the nut package was incorrect.

  The weighing scales may have been unsuitable.

Questions 25-30

Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

25   Adam suggests that restaurants could reduce obesity if their menus

A   offered fewer options.

B   had more low-calorie foods.

C   were organised in a particular way.

26   The students agree that food manufacturers deliberately

A   make calorie counts hard to understand.

B   fail to provide accurate calorie counts.

C   use ineffective methods to reduce calories.

27   What does Rosie say about levels of exercise in England?

A   The amount recommended is much too low.

B   Most people overestimate how much they do.

C   Women now exercise more than they used to.

28   Adam refers to the location and width of stairs in a train station to illustrate

  practical changes that can influence people’s behaviour.

  methods of helping people who have mobility problems.

  ways of preventing accidents by controlling crowd movement.

29   What do the students agree about including reference to exercise in their presentation?

  They should probably leave it out.

  They need to do more research on it.

  They should discuss this with their tutor.

30   What are the students going to do next for their presentation?

  prepare some slides for it

  find out how long they have for it

  decide on its content and organisation


21&22   C, D

23&24   C, E

25   C

26   A

27   B

28   A

29   A

30   C


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